Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Diabetic Foot Ulcers - ScienceChronicle
January 21, 2024

Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Posted on January 21, 2024  •  2 minutes  • 292 words  • Other languages:  Русский
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO) has been a topic of debate in the medical community, particularly regarding its use for diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). This therapy involves patients breathing concentrated oxygen at high pressure, believed to stimulate healing processes. The scientific paper by Magnus Löndahl and Andrew J.M. Boulton presents a balanced view of this controversial subject.

Pros of HBO

Some studies suggest HBO can accelerate healing in specific types of ischemic or neuro-ischemic ulcers, particularly after standard treatments have failed. It reportedly enhances angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), reduces swelling, improves white blood cell function, and promotes stem cell mobilization. These benefits could be critical for patients with hard-to-heal DFUs.

Cons of HBO

Despite these potential benefits, recent trials have cast doubt on its effectiveness. Critics argue that the data supporting HBO is not robust enough, citing flaws in trial designs and a lack of consistent positive outcomes. Additionally, the high cost of HBO treatment raises questions about its cost-effectiveness compared to other treatments.


The authors conclude that while there might be specific cases where HBO is beneficial, there’s a need for more rigorously designed and executed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to clarify its role in DFU treatment. The debate continues, with the medical community seeking more conclusive evidence to either support or dismiss the use of HBO in managing diabetic foot ulcers.

In summary, HBO’s potential in treating DFUs is still an open question. The therapy shows promise under certain conditions, but its widespread adoption requires more concrete evidence to prove its effectiveness and justify its cost. This article brings the complex discussions around HBO into a more accessible format, shedding light on an important, yet often misunderstood, medical debate.


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