Tokyo University Develops A 3D Viscoelastic Finite-Element Model of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau With Bayan Har Block - ScienceChronicle
May 20, 2023

Tokyo University Develops A 3D Viscoelastic Finite-Element Model of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau With Bayan Har Block

Posted on May 20, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 536 words

Scientists at Tokyo University have established a 3D viscoelastic finite-element model of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which includes the Bayan Har block, in this new study. The model takes into account the differences in the geological structure of each region, the active fault zone, the active tectonic block, boundary fault zone, the irregular topography and layered lithospheric structure, as well as the seismic velocity structure of the crust and mantle. The researchers have called this new model a critical tool for future earthquake studies in the region. The study was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is located in the southwestern part of China and is surrounded by some of the world’s highest mountain ranges. Its unique geological structure makes it an active seismic region, with several earthquakes measuring over 7.0 on the Richter scale occurring in recent years. Understanding the geological structure of this region is vital for assessing earthquake hazards and minimizing the risk to life in the region.

This study proposes a new method of understanding the region’s geological structure. The researchers collected a large amount of geological data from the region and combined this with the seismic wave velocities measured in the region to construct a comprehensive model. This model takes into account the viscoelastic properties of the region’s crust and mantle and includes the effects of tectonic stress, which plays a crucial role in the region’s seismic activity.

The new model’s accuracy was tested by comparing the predicted seismic wave velocity with measured data from the region. The results showed that the model achieved high accuracy in predicting the seismic wave velocity across the region. The researchers believe that this new model will be a valuable tool in future earthquake studies in the region and will assist in developing effective earthquake hazard mitigation strategies.

Moreover, this model is unique as it includes the Bayan Har block, which has been repeatedly identified as a key tectonic plate in the region. The Bayan Har block has been previously studied as a separate unit, and it played a significant role in shaping the geological structure of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The researchers believe that including the Bayan Har block in the model would provide a more accurate understanding of the region’s geological structure and seismic activity.

The study’s lead author, Prof. Masayuki Obayashi, noted that this new model could play a critical role in developing early warning systems for future earthquakes in the region. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is home to various animals and has vast cultural significance. Therefore, it is essential to develop effective strategies for earthquake hazard mitigation that can protect the region’s unique biodiversity while preserving its cultural heritage. The model developed in this study provides a foundation to develop such strategies.

In conclusion, the 3D viscoelastic finite-element model developed in this study provides a comprehensive understanding of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s geological structure. The model takes into account the unique properties of the region, including the Bayan Har block, and could be used as a tool for future earthquake studies and early warning systems. This study demonstrates the importance of continued scientific work in the region to promote public safety and preserve its unique ecosystem and cultural heritage.




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