Unveiling the Salt-Kidney Connection: How Your Salt Habits Impact Chronic Kidney Disease Risk - ScienceChronicle
December 12, 2023

Unveiling the Salt-Kidney Connection: How Your Salt Habits Impact Chronic Kidney Disease Risk

Posted on December 12, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 146 words

Scientists have discovered a link between the frequency of salt intake in food and an increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The research findings were published in the JAMA Network Open journal.

Experts analyzed data from 465,288 participants in the long-term UK Biobank study, aged 37 to 73 years, who initially did not have CKD. They were divided into several categories based on self-reported frequency of salt intake (never, rarely, occasionally, usually, and always).

Researchers calculated risk ratios, taking into account additional factors such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, body mass index, smoking and alcohol consumption status, regular physical activity, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and other diseases.

Over a median observation period of 11.8 years, 22,031 cases of CKD were recorded. It was found that a higher self-reported frequency of salt intake was significantly associated with a 1.11 times higher risk of chronic kidney disease.




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