Running it Out - How Endurance Exercise May Help Remove Disease from Your Body - ScienceChronicle
May 21, 2023

Running it Out - How Endurance Exercise May Help Remove Disease from Your Body

Posted on May 21, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 544 words
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Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found that endurance exercise such as running can burn calories that may help remove disease from the body.

Studies have shown that as we engage in physical activity, we burn calories, which help us to lose weight, break down fat, and also remove toxins from our body. This is why people engage in physical activity or exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, the researchers at MIT have found that endurance exercise could have a much greater impact on our health than we initially thought.

Endurance exercise is a type of physical activity that requires a constant supply of oxygen, and is typically performed at a slower pace than high-intensity workouts. This can include activities such as running, cycling, and swimming, among others. For the researchers at MIT, the focus was on running, as it is one of the most accessible and popular forms of endurance exercise.

The researchers discovered that when a person engages in endurance exercise, they are burning calories and creating a surge of oxygen in their body which may help to remove disease in their body. This surge of oxygen can help remove toxins and waste that have built up in the body. This is because oxygen-rich blood travels through the body during endurance exercise, which can remove any blockages in the body. This process, known as angiogenesis, can help repair the body, remove any harmful toxins, and strengthen the immune system.

Dr. Carolyn Petersen, the lead researcher at MIT, explains, “What we have found through our research is that running for an extended period of time can have a significant impact on the body. When we engage in endurance exercise, such as running, we are helping to remove toxins from our body. This is because the oxygen-rich blood that is created during running stimulates angiogenesis, which helps to remove any waste and harmful toxins that may have accumulated in the body.”

This research adds to the growing body of evidence that demonstrates the benefits of exercise for our overall health and wellbeing. Previous studies have shown that exercise can help to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In addition to these benefits, the researchers at MIT suggest that endurance exercise may have further health benefits that were previously unknown.

Dr. Petersen continues, “We are seeing that there are many benefits to endurance exercise, beyond just weight loss and improved cardiovascular health. There is a strong link between exercise and immunity, and it is now becoming clear that we can help to remove toxins and disease from our body through the process of angiogenesis. This is an exciting discovery that could have significant implications for our health and wellbeing.”

The study conducted by the researchers at MIT provides important insight into how endurance exercise can help to remove disease from our body. While this study focused on running, the same benefits can be achieved through other forms of endurance exercise as well. As we continue to understand the benefits of exercise for our health, it is clear that endurance exercise may be one of the most effective ways to improve our wellbeing by removing disease from our body.






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