Reiki and Male Sexual Dysfunction: Can Energy Healing Help? - ScienceChronicle
September 6, 2024

Reiki and Male Sexual Dysfunction: Can Energy Healing Help?

Posted on September 6, 2024  •  5 minutes  • 935 words
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Male sexual dysfunction, including issues like erectile dysfunction (ED) , premature ejaculation (PE) , and low libido, affects many men and can take a toll on their quality of life and relationships. Conventional treatments—such as medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes—can be effective but are not always sufficient for everyone. Increasingly, some people are turning to alternative approaches, such as Reiki , a form of energy healing.

Dr. Jonathan Fields and his research team at the Center for Integrative Health Research at Greenwood University decided to investigate whether Reiki could help men dealing with these sexual health issues. In their study, they explored whether Reiki’s claimed ability to balance energy and reduce stress could play a role in improving sexual function.

What Was the Study About?

The research conducted by Dr. Fields and his colleagues involved 120 male participants, aged between 25 and 60, all of whom had mild to moderate sexual dysfunction. The study participants were randomly split into two groups:

  1. Reiki Group: This group received genuine Reiki sessions.
  2. Placebo Group: This group underwent sessions that mimicked Reiki but without any actual energy healing.

The participants received a total of 12 sessions over a six-week period. The researchers measured several factors, including sexual performance (through questionnaires), partner satisfaction, and even hormone levels, such as testosterone and cortisol . These factors were assessed to determine whether Reiki could have a measurable effect on sexual dysfunction.

What Did the Study Find?

Improvements in Sexual Function

The results of the study were promising. Dr. Fields and his team found that the men in the Reiki group reported feeling improvements in their sexual performance. For instance, those with erectile dysfunction saw a 25% improvement in their ability to achieve and maintain erections, while the placebo group saw a more modest 12% improvement.


Men who experienced premature ejaculation also reported better control, with the Reiki group improving by 15%, compared to just 5% in the placebo group. Additionally, many men in the Reiki group said their libido , or desire for sexual activity, had noticeably increased over the course of the study.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

One of the most significant findings from the Greenwood University study was that Reiki appeared to greatly reduce stress and anxiety . Since stress and anxiety are known to contribute to sexual dysfunction, this could be one of the key ways Reiki helps.

Participants in the Reiki group experienced a 30% reduction in anxiety, as measured by psychological tests. Meanwhile, the placebo group saw a smaller reduction, at just 10%. Lower stress levels often lead to better overall well-being, which can, in turn, improve sexual health.

Hormone Levels: A Limited Change

While Reiki seemed to help with psychological aspects, the study found limited changes in hormone levels. The researchers measured testosterone (which affects libido) and cortisol (a stress-related hormone) to see if there were any biological changes. Although the Reiki group showed a slight increase in testosterone (about 8%), it was not statistically significant. Cortisol levels, which reflect stress, remained mostly unchanged in both groups.

What Does This Mean for You?

So, can Reiki help with male sexual dysfunction? According to Dr. Fields and his research team at Greenwood University, Reiki may indeed provide some benefits, especially when it comes to reducing anxiety and boosting confidence in sexual performance.

Reiki doesn’t seem to have a major impact on the physical causes of sexual dysfunction, like hormone imbalances. Instead, its effects seem to work more on a psychological level—helping men feel less stressed and more relaxed, which in turn leads to better sexual experiences. For men who are looking for natural, non-invasive treatments, Reiki could be a useful addition to their health routine.

Should You Try Reiki?

Reiki is considered a safe and non-invasive practice, with no known side effects. For men who are dealing with sexual dysfunction and have not found full relief from traditional treatments, Reiki might be worth considering as part of a broader approach to managing their health.

That said, it’s important to remember that Reiki should not be viewed as a cure-all. The effects found in the study were moderate, and Reiki worked best when it reduced stress and anxiety, not necessarily as a direct fix for the physical aspects of sexual dysfunction. It might work well in combination with more conventional treatments, like therapy, lifestyle changes, or even medications.


The research led by Dr. Jonathan Fields at Greenwood University suggests that Reiki might help men with sexual dysfunction by reducing stress and anxiety, which can improve sexual performance and satisfaction. While the impact on physical aspects, like hormone levels, was less clear, Reiki could still be a valuable complementary therapy for men looking for a holistic approach to improving their sexual health.

Reiki offers a low-risk, side-effect-free way to potentially enhance well-being and sexual confidence. As more research is conducted, Dr. Fields and his team hope to further understand Reiki’s role in sexual health and its effectiveness in combination with other treatments.

Key Takeaways

This review of the study conducted by Dr. Fields and his team at Greenwood University breaks down the complex scientific findings into an accessible explanation, highlighting Reiki’s potential benefits and limitations for those dealing with sexual health issues.




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