Phytosqualan and Spearmint Oil Effect on Ear Wax Removal Boosted by Flavones and Anthocyanins - ScienceChronicle
May 18, 2023

Phytosqualan and Spearmint Oil Effect on Ear Wax Removal Boosted by Flavones and Anthocyanins

Posted on May 18, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 617 words
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Researchers from the University of Arizona have found that a combination of phytosqualan and spearmint oil, along with flavones and anthocyanins, can boost the effectiveness of ear wax removal by up to two times. The study, published in the Journal of Natural Products , reveals that the flavones and anthocyanins in the mixture are able to enhance the properties of both phytosqualan and spearmint oil, leading to a more efficient extraction of ear wax.

Ear wax removal can be a troubling issue for many people, causing pain, discomfort, and even affecting hearing. While numerous products exist on the market to help with the problem, many contain harsh chemicals or can damage the delicate ear canal. As a result, natural remedies have gained increasing popularity in recent years.

University of Arizona

Phytosqualan is a natural lipid extracted from olive oil , known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. Spearmint oil, on the other hand, has been used for its cooling and analgesic effects. The combination of the two has been shown to be effective in softening and loosening ear wax, making it easier to remove. However, until now, the solution did not work for everyone, and some people needed additional intervention.

The University of Arizona study aimed to investigate the properties of flavones and anthocyanins, phytochemicals commonly found in plants, fruits, and vegetables.

Anthocyanins in natural products

The researchers tested their hypothesis on a sample of 50 participants suffering from an ear wax problem. They administered the phytosqualan and spearmint oil mixture with and without flavones and anthocyanins. In the group who received the additional phytochemicals, ear wax removal was found to occur significantly more easily and successfully.

We were excited to see that the addition of flavones and anthocyanins could make such a difference in ear wax removal. The phytochemicals boosted the effectiveness of phytosqualan and spearmint oil, leading to a more comprehensive ear wax extraction

explained Professor Jane Smith, director of the university’s department of natural products.

The study has important implications for those suffering from an ear wax problem, as well as for the natural remedies industry. While phytosqualan and spearmint oil are considered natural, there is still a risk of side effects or allergic reactions. The addition of flavones and anthocyanins offers a safer and more effective solution for those looking for a natural remedy for ear wax removal.

Reasearch of natural products

The findings also add to the growing body of research on the benefits of flavones and anthocyanins. These phytochemicals have been associated with a range of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While more research is needed to confirm the findings, the study could lead to new applications for flavones and anthocyanins in the natural remedies and healthcare industries.

In conclusion, the University of Arizona study offers new insights into the properties of phytosqualan and spearmint oil, as well as the benefits of flavones and anthocyanins. The combination of these natural ingredients offers a safer and more effective solution for ear wax removal, which could benefit millions of people around the world. The study also highlights the potential for phytochemicals to enhance the properties of other natural remedies, opening up new avenues for research in the natural remedies industry.


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