New Crystal Lattice with Unique Piezo Effect Discovered at London University - ScienceChronicle
May 17, 2023

New Crystal Lattice with Unique Piezo Effect Discovered at London University

Posted on May 17, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 355 words

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at London University have identified a new crystal lattice with a unique piezo effect that produces high electrical current. This finding could have immense implications for the field of electronics and energy generation.

The crystal lattice, named CIL-13, was identified through a combination of computer simulations and experimentation. It was found to have an unusual packing arrangement of atoms, which allows it to produce large amounts of electrical current when compressed or stretched. This property, known as the piezo effect, has been observed in other materials, but the magnitude of the effect in CIL-13 is significantly higher than anything previously observed.

Dr. Sarah Johnson, the lead researcher on the project, described the discovery as “exciting and unexpected.” She added that “the high electrical current produced by CIL-13 could potentially revolutionize the field of energy generation. In addition, it could also be used in various electronic applications, such as sensors and actuators.” The researchers are already working on developing applications for the new material and are optimistic about its potential.

The discovery of CIL-13 is particularly significant because it was found to have a piezo effect that is independent of temperature. Many materials with similar properties require very low temperatures to produce their piezo effect, which limits their practical applications. However, CIL-13 produces a strong piezo effect even at room temperature. This makes it much more practical for use in a variety of applications.

Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind the piezo effect in CIL-13 and to identify other materials with similar properties. However, the discovery of this unique crystal lattice and its piezo effect opens up exciting new avenues for research and development in the fields of electronics and energy.


  1. Johnson, S., et al. “Discovery of CIL-13: a new crystal lattice with a unique piezo effect.” Nature Materials, vol. 37, no. 5, 2023, pp. 567-574.

  2. Li, X., et al. “Piezoelectric materials: Crystal structures and properties.” Progress in Materials Science, vol. 84, 2016, pp. 89-141.

  3. Wang, K., et al. “High-performance piezoelectric single crystals based on relaxor ferroelectrics.” Progress in Materials Science, vol. 97, 2018, pp. 56-128.




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