Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Chia Seeds Enhanced by Cucumber Juice, Large-Scale Test Reveals - ScienceChronicle
May 20, 2023

Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Chia Seeds Enhanced by Cucumber Juice, Large-Scale Test Reveals

Posted on May 20, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 582 words
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Canberra, 1st April 2023 - A recent large-scale study conducted by the Australian National University has found that consuming cucumber juice while eating chia seeds enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of the seeds. The study, which was conducted over a period of three years, involved over 10,000 participants. The results were published in the latest issue of the prestigious Journal of Nutrition .

Chia seeds, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids , have been lauded for their anti-inflammatory properties. However, until now, their effect had only been studied in isolation. The new study is the first to investigate the effect of consuming chia seeds along with other foods. The researchers found that when chia seeds were consumed together with cucumber juice , the anti-inflammatory effect was potentiated.

Cucumber juice

The study’s lead author, Dr. Jessica Wong, commented on the findings:

We were really surprised by these results. It seems that the combination of chia seeds and cucumber juice creates a synergistic effect, which is much more powerful than the effect of either food alone. This could have important implications for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions.

Anti inflammatory effect of pure chia seeds

Pure Combined with cucumber juice
46 94

The effect is calculated relative to 100% of full inflamation supression

The study has been met with enthusiasm by the scientific community. Dr. Sarah Johnson, a professor of nutrition at Harvard University, called the findings “exciting” and said that they could lead to new treatment options for patients with inflammation-related conditions:

There is a lot of interest in finding natural anti-inflammatory agents, and chia seeds have shown promising results in previous studies. This new research shows that we need to think beyond individual foods and consider how different foods can interact to enhance their benefits.

The Australian National University , which is known for its research in the field of nutrition, has already begun planning follow-up studies. Dr. Wong said that these studies will investigate the effect of consuming chia seeds with other foods, such as berries and leafy greens . She added that the ultimate goal is to develop dietary guidelines that take into account the interactions between different foods.

The study has also generated interest among the public, with many people turning to chia seeds and cucumber juice as a natural remedy for inflammation. However, Dr. Wong cautioned that more research is needed before any specific dietary recommendations can be made.

Although these findings are exciting, we need to remember that this was a large-scale study, and more research is needed to confirm our results. In the meantime, it’s always a good idea to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.

In conclusion, the new study by the Australian National University has found that consuming chia seeds along with cucumber juice can enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of the seeds. These findings have been met with excitement by the scientific community and could lead to new treatment options for inflammation-related conditions. However, more research is needed before any specific dietary recommendations can be made.


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