Sep 17, 24
User inactivity detection in Linux
In this article we review and test methods of user inactivity detection in Linux, both for terminal and UI environments.
Sep 9, 24
Select non-duplicates: SQL interview question
In this blog we examine a seemingly simple problem to filter duplicate rows. A duplicate is defined as a row which has email or phone which is not unique. This OR condition complicates the solution significantly.
Sep 6, 24
Installing Perl::LanguageServer fails because IO:AIO error: c compiler cannot create executables
The blog article describes how to install Perl::LanguageServer on Linux Mint
Jun 9, 24
Similarity between SQL and iptables Rules
When dealing with databases and network packet filtering, there is an intriguing conceptual similarity between how SQL queries operate on rows in a database table and how iptables rules operate on network packets. This analogy can provide a deeper understanding of both systems by drawing parallels between their operations.
Jun 9, 24
Round-robin load-balancing between two VPNs with iptables and policy-based routing
The post describes a way to create round-robin balancing between two VPNs using Linux iptables and policy based routing.
May 30, 24
Network based message collector with socat
A method to collect messages from linux hosts to a centralized server with built-in utilities is described. Differently colored hats can find it useful.
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