OpenWRT with WireGuard server which is connected through OpenVPN - ScienceChronicle
July 18, 2024

OpenWRT with WireGuard server which is connected through OpenVPN

Posted on July 18, 2024  •  5 minutes  • 874 words
Table of contents

We setup a wireguard server on an OpenWRT router. We generate a setup file for the client. The wireguard server itself we connect through a VPN. The VPN itself can be socked through TOR (we don’t discuss this in the article).

Generate keys

umask go=
wg genkey | tee wgserver.key | wg pubkey >
wg genkey | tee wgclient.key | wg pubkey >
wg genpsk > wgclient.psk

Setup wireguard server

Note, wireguard server is actually a kernel module and there is no a special application to be run. The wireguard module exposes interface to ip link with which one can create a device of type wireguard.

In OpenWRT router we define a network interface with protocol of wireguard.

uci -q delete network.styx;
uci set network.styx='interface';
uci set network.styx.proto='wireguard';
uci set network.styx.private_key='kKoONE1SO5x94fCJqrKV52mAxwIvgnpK7hAlPpt1R3I=';
uci set network.styx.listen_port='52820';
uci add_list network.styx.addresses='';

uci -q delete network.wgclient`;
uci set network.wgclient='wireguard_styx';
uci set network.wgclient.public_key='9k5F5LsZKWR7wEqURgc4cVKTRgd31rayGtxSMrFYmgU='`;
uci set network.wgclient.preshared_key='ASsDWeoB8tdj5hTuPHNOocqnk7nNeSqt7s5y5aFn+XI=';
uci add_list network.wgclient.allowed_ips='';

uci commit network`;
/etc/init.d/network reload`;

We defined interface styx with listening port 52820 and assigned default gateway with mask The private_key was taken from wgserver.key. The network wgclient allows only one host The public_key was taken from and preshared_key was taken from wgclient.psk.

Setup wireguard client

On client (laptop) side, we use the following commands to setup wg0 device:

ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
# Set private key and IP address
wg set wg0 private-key <(echo +PiLMRXfFrIOMuiR7DK1XNj0QYkmQnGBszXrip1NKFA=)
ip address add dev wg0

# Optional: Set DNS
# echo "nameserver" | resolvconf -a wg0

# Configure the peer
wg set wg0 peer Lp1/m57JlYM5UXVhfEUpV6RTXy5rIjcOPrgboRaP7gE= preshared-key <(echo ASsDWeoB8tdj5hTuPHNOocqnk7nNeSqt7s5y5aFn+XI=) endpoint allowed-ips persistent-keepalive 25

# Bring up the interface
ip link set up dev wg0

We used private-key taken from wgclient.key and peer taken from The endpoint is public IP of our router and the port is the one used for listening. If the OpenWRT router is connected to ISP router, we need to setup port forwarding for the port.

Setup OpenWRT firewall

To simplify testing, we just allow everything on the firewall:

nft flush ruleset
nft -f all-accept.nft

where all-accept.nft is

table inet fw4 {
	chain forward {
		type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;

	chain input {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;

	chain output {
		type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;

	chain srcnat {
		type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
		oifname "eth1" meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade

	chain prerouting {
		type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;

Now we can connect through wg0 on the client:

curl --interface w0

and we should get our router’s external ip.

Run OpenVPN on the router without default route change

We use mullvad open vpn setup file in which up and down directives are commented out. Then

openvpn --config mullvad_at_all.conf --route-nopull 

We got the vpn on tun0:

tun0  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  
			inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
			inet6 addr: fdda:d0d0:cafe:443::100e/64 Scope:Global
			inet6 addr: fe80::5378:9544:a3c3:54b/64 Scope:Link
			RX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
			TX packets:64 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
			collisions:0 txqueuelen:500 
			RX bytes:5331 (5.2 KiB)  TX bytes:8507 (8.3 KiB)

We can test the interface:

curl --interface tun0

Setting routing

We create styx table for rule based routing:

echo '256 styx' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

and add a default route to itthrough our vpn:

ip rule add default dev tun0 

The we create a rule which route the traffik from styx interface to tun0:

ip rule add from all iif styx lookup styx

Because forwarding policy in our firewall is accept by default, we don’t need to explicitly allow the forwarding. However, we need masquerading, as always for interfaces which are used for external communication:

nft add rule inet fw4 srcnat oifname "tun0" meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade

Firewall with default drop policies

If firewall forwarding policy is default to drop then we need to add:

nft add rule inet fw4 forward ct state established,related accept
nft add rule inet fw4 forward iifname "br-lan" oifname "eth1" accept
nft add rule inet fw4 forward iifname "styx" oifname "tun0" accept

If firewall input policy is defauly to drop then we need to add:

nft add rule inet fw4 input iifname "lo" accept
nft add rule inet fw4 input ct state established,related accept
nft add rule inet fw4 input iifname "br-lan" accept
nft add rule inet fw4 input iifname "styx" accept

The interface lo must be added for normal functioning. The interface br-lan should be added to not lose access to the router through cable onlan ports.

The full firewall setup:

table inet fw4 {
	chain forward {
		type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
		ct state established,related accept
		iifname "styx" oifname "tun0" meta nfproto ipv4 accept
		iifname "br-lan" oifname "eth1" meta nfproto ipv4 accept

	chain input {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
		ct state established,related accept
		iifname "lo" accept
		iifname "br-lan" accept

	chain output {
		type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;

	chain srcnat {
		type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
		oifname "eth1" meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade
		oifname "tun0" meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade

	chain prerouting {
		type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;





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