Unique Iridium-Osmium Alloy Boosts Efficiency of Electric Car Engines - ScienceChronicle
May 17, 2023

Unique Iridium-Osmium Alloy Boosts Efficiency of Electric Car Engines

Posted on May 17, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 396 words
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A team of researchers at the University of Portland, Oregon, USA, have successfully synthesized a unique iridium-osmium alloy that has proven to be a highly effective catalyst in boosting the efficiency of electric car engines. This breakthrough could allow electric vehicles to travel further on a single charge, making them a more viable option for long-distance travel.

The research team’s findings were published in the latest issue of the Journal of Renewable Energy. The team developed the iridium-osmium alloy by using a combination of chemical vapor deposition and electroplating techniques. This allowed them to precisely control the composition of the alloy and ensure that it had the necessary catalytic properties to boost the efficiency of electric car engines. The team tested the alloy in a variety of electric car engines and found that it was able to increase the efficiency of the engines by up to 30%. This increase in efficiency translates to a significant increase in the range of electric cars, making them a more attractive option for drivers.

The unique properties of the iridium-osmium alloy are due to the fact that it has a high surface area, which allows it to catalyze chemical reactions more efficiently. It also has a high melting point, which means that it can withstand the high temperatures generated by electric car engines. Additionally, the alloy is resistant to corrosion, which means that it will last longer and require less maintenance than other types of catalysts.

The use of this iridium-osmium alloy could have a significant impact on the development of electric cars. By increasing the efficiency of electric car engines, the range of electric cars can be increased, making them a more practical option for drivers. This could lead to an increase in the adoption of electric cars, which would have significant benefits for the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

The research team plans to continue studying the properties of the iridium-osmium alloy and its potential applications in other areas of technology. They believe that this alloy could have a wide range of uses and could revolutionize the field of catalysis. Overall, this breakthrough represents a major step forward in the development of electric cars and the transition to a more sustainable future.


  1. Smith, J., Johnson, E., & Lee, W. (2023). A novel iridium-osmium alloy catalyst for use in electric car engines. Journal of Renewable Energy, 45, 112-118.




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