Understanding the Potential of Acridones Against Oropouche Virus - ScienceChronicle
January 1, 2024

Understanding the Potential of Acridones Against Oropouche Virus

Posted on January 1, 2024  •  2 minutes  • 348 words
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A Need for Effective Treatment Against Oropouche Virus

OROV causes febrile illnesses and, in severe cases, encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever. With over 500,000 cases reported and no specific antiviral treatments or vaccines available, finding a solution is urgent. This study explores acridones as potential antiviral agents against OROV, aiming to fill this gap.

How the Study Was Conducted

  1. Synthesis of Acridones: The team synthesized two acridones, FAC21 and FAC22, to test their antiviral activity.
  2. Cell Culture and Virus Testing: They used Vero cells (a type of cell line used in microbiology) to propagate the OROV and test the acridones.
  3. Viral Infection Assay: The effectiveness of acridones against OROV was assessed by treating infected cells with these compounds and measuring the viral yield.
  4. dsRNA Intercalation Assay: Since dsRNA is an intermediate in virus replication, the team tested if acridones could interact with dsRNA, potentially disrupting the virus replication process.
  5. Molecular Dynamic (MD) Simulations and Docking Studies: These advanced computational methods were used to understand how acridones interact at the molecular level with the virus’s components.


  1. Reduced Viral Progeny Yield: Both FAC21 and FAC22 effectively reduced the production of new virus particles in infected cells.
  2. dsRNA Interaction: The study found that FAC21 and FAC22 could interact with dsRNA, suggesting a mechanism by which they might hinder virus replication.
  3. Endonuclease Inhibition: Particularly, FAC21 showed a significant inhibitory effect on the OROV endonuclease, an enzyme critical for the virus’s life cycle.
  4. Molecular Insights: MD simulations and docking studies provided insights into the molecular interactions between acridones and OROV, supporting the experimental findings.

Conclusion: Acridones as a Beacon of Hope

The research by Vogel Saivish and her team opens a promising pathway in the fight against OROV. The ability of acridones to interfere with virus replication, particularly through dsRNA interaction and endonuclease inhibition, positions them as potential antiviral agents. While further research and clinical trials are necessary, this study lays a solid foundation for developing new treatments against Oropouche virus.


Vogel Saivish, M. et al. (2024). Acridones as promising drug candidates against Oropouche virus. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 6(2024), 100217




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