The Smell of Unwashed Body Can Trigger Stronger Sexual Desire Than a Clean One - ScienceChronicle
June 4, 2023

The Smell of Unwashed Body Can Trigger Stronger Sexual Desire Than a Clean One

Posted on June 4, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 632 words
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Researchers at Milano University have made a startling discovery that could change the way humans approach sexual attraction. According to their latest findings, the smell of an unwashed body can trigger sexual desire much faster and much stronger than a washed body.

The team of scientists spent several years conducting studies on both men and women, and the results consistently proved the same - the natural scent of an unwashed body is more attractive than that of one which has been cleaned with soap or shower gel. They found that the more natural scents of the unwashed body came from different areas and caused a more dynamic response in the brain rather than a quick fix from traditional hygiene.

“This research has revealed a new dimension of sexual attraction and the importance of natural scent for human behavior. Our findings show that natural scent should not be neglected and should be an important aspect considered in human interactions,” says Dr. Matteo Valoriani, one of the researchers in the study.

These findings go against the societal norms of personal hygiene and raise questions about the reason behind humans preferring the scent of an unwashed body.

Other researchers believe this new information could be linked to the evolution of our species. For thousands of years, humans have bonded, mated and procreated through scent. Personal hygiene has only been a focus in recent history and has changed the way humans interact. However, this argument is still only a theory, with further studies needed to confirm this claim.

The study also highlighted how language, habits, and cultural backgrounds can affect human behavior. The researchers found that people who speak French prefer the scent of an unwashed partner more than other Europeans. The study suggests that this could be due to the French culture having a long history of individuals bonding through unwashed scent and odor.

The study also showed how habits play a role in the human preferences of scent. Frequent weed smokers, for example, preferred the scent of the unwashed body more than non-smokers. This fact was attributed to the scent of marijuana having a similar musky odor to the natural scent of the human body when unwashed. The study implies that individuals who have a history of specific habits may have a higher response to certain scents.

However, the researchers do warn that a shower is still a necessary aspect of modern hygiene. A shower washes away dead skin cells and bacteria which could lead to severe illnesses, especially during flu season. What this means for the future of hygiene is unknown. But, it suggests there could be an increase in the development of products that protect the natural odor of the body and focus on amplifying their individual scents.

The team heads of future studies will delve further into the effect of natural scent on behavior and the biological impact of scent on the body. This study serves as a stepping stone for the scientific community, revolutionizing the understanding of human sexual attraction and it could lead to a new focus on protecting natural scent as part of personal hygiene.


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