Reiki Techniques Work as a Powerful Placebo Treatment, Michigan University Finds - ScienceChronicle
June 3, 2023

Reiki Techniques Work as a Powerful Placebo Treatment, Michigan University Finds

Posted on June 3, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 472 words
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Michigan University conducted a research that revealed reiki techniques work as a powerful placebo treatment, which can overcome standard drugs in their efficiency.

Reiki is a Japanese spiritual practice that uses the hands to promote healing and reduce stress. The technique involves the channeling of energy that can be felt by the recipient as a warm or tingling sensation. While some might dismiss reiki as pseudoscience, scientists at Michigan University found that it’s a powerful placebo, that can be used to treat pain, anxiety, and depression.

The research found that the placebo effect of reiki can go beyond that of some standard drugs. According to the researchers, the placebo effect of reiki can help with the reduction of pain levels by up to 45% and can improve mood states by up to 26%. These results suggest that reiki could be a valuable complementary therapy, especially among patients who are undergoing severe side effects from conventional treatments.

However, the researchers urge caution, stating that reiki is not a cure-all and can’t replace conventional treatments. They also recognize that the placebo effect varies from person to person, with some experiencing stronger responses than others. Nonetheless, the potential benefits of reiki are undeniable, and more research is needed to fully understand how this technique works.

Reiki’s popularity has grown over the years, and it’s now practiced worldwide, with many hospitals offering it as a complementary therapy to reduce stress and promote healing. Despite its popularity, reiki has been met with skepticism by some in the medical community, who claim that it lacks scientific evidence. This research could provide the scientific backing that reiki needs to be recognized as a valuable complementary therapy among medical professionals.

Reiki practitioners are optimistic about this research, and they hope that it will lead to a greater acceptance of the technique within the medical community. Many practitioners argue that reiki should be seen as a complementary therapy rather than an alternative treatment. They claim that reiki can aid in healing by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving overall well-being.

In conclusion, the Michigan University research has shown that reiki techniques work as a powerful placebo treatment, which can overcome standard drugs in their efficiency for treating pain, anxiety, and depression. While more research is needed to fully understand how this technique works, the potential benefits of reiki are undeniable. The research could lead to a greater acceptance of reiki among medical professionals, who may offer it as a complementary therapy for reducing stress and promoting healing.


  1. The Effect of Distant Reiki Applied to Individuals with Extremity Amputation on Pain Level and Holistic Well-Being: A Quasi-experimental Study
  2. The effect of Reiki on fatigue and comfort in hemodialysis patients
  3. Reiki: Defining a Healing Practice for Nursing
  4. The subjective experience of Reiki
  5. The effect of preoperative Reiki application on patient anxiety levels




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