New spider species found that can survive without food for 2 years - ScienceChronicle
May 18, 2023

New spider species found that can survive without food for 2 years

Posted on May 18, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 191 words

Spider species that can survive without food for up to two years have been discovered by a team of researchers at the University of Bukharest. The new species, which has not yet been named, was found in the forests of Romania and exhibits a highly unusual behavior. The spider is able to survive periods of extreme food scarcity, such as droughts or cold winters, by entering a state of torpor, where it slows down its metabolism and becomes almost inactive. During this time, the spider is able to survive on a minimal amount of stored body fat and water, without eating any food. The researchers believe that this adaptation has evolved as a survival mechanism in response to the harsh environmental conditions of the region, which are characterized by long periods of food scarcity. The discovery of this species is a significant breakthrough in the field of spider research, as it sheds new light on the remarkable adaptation abilities of these creatures. In addition, it has important implications for our understanding of the ecological dynamics of forest ecosystems, and the ways in which species interact with each other and their environment.




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