Geomagnetic field may influence behaviour of wood mycorrhizas - ScienceChronicle
June 3, 2023

Geomagnetic field may influence behaviour of wood mycorrhizas

Posted on June 3, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 468 words

Scientists from Helsinki University have discovered that the behaviour of wood mycorrhizas, the symbiotic relationships between fungi and plants, may be influenced by changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field.

The research, led by Dr. Maria Kõljalg, studied the growth rates and activity of different species of wood mycorrhizas in a controlled laboratory environment. By exposing the fungi to different levels and orientations of simulated magnetic fields, the researchers found that there was a correlation between the strength and direction of the field and the behaviour of the mycorrhizas.

Interestingly, the study found that different species of mycorrhizas were affected differently by the magnetic fields, hinting at a potential avenue for further research into the genetic differences between the fungi.

While the exact mechanism behind the observed effects is not yet well understood, the researchers hypothesize that the geomagnetic field may play a role in guiding the growth of hyphae, the thread-like structures that allow the fungi to absorb nutrients from their plant hosts, and in the production of the spores that allow the fungi to reproduce.

These results have potentially significant implications for the study of mycorrhizal ecosystems, which play a crucial role in forestry and agriculture. Improved understanding of the factors that influence the behaviour of wood mycorrhizas could lead to more efficient and sustainable management practices for these ecosystems.

“This research opens up new avenues of investigation into the genetics and behavior of mycorrhizas,” says Dr. Kõljalg. “We hope that our findings will lead to a better understanding of the ecological role of these fascinating organisms.”

Mycorrhizas have long been known to be essential components of forest and agricultural ecosystems, forming symbiotic relationships with plant roots that allow both parties to thrive. By efficiently absorbing nutrients from the soil and transferring them to their plant hosts, mycorrhizas play an important role in nutrient cycling and the health of forest and crop lands. In addition, mycorrhizal networks have been shown to play a role in supporting communication and resource sharing among different plants, allowing for more efficient resource allocation and increasing the resilience of ecosystems to environmental stress.

The influence of the geomagnetic field on mycorrhizal behaviour is just one of many factors that researchers are exploring in order to gain a better understanding of these complex and important organisms. Other areas of interest include the role of mycorrhizas in supporting soil health, the genetic diversity of different species, and the potential use of mycorrhizas in bioremediation and other applications. As research continues to uncover the many fascinating aspects of mycorrhizal ecosystems, scientists around the world are working to develop more effective and sustainable ways to manage and protect these vital components of our planet’s ecology.

Keywords: wood mycorrhizas, geomagnetic field, hyphae, spores, forestry, agriculture, ecosystems, nutrient cycling, genetic diversity, bioremediation

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Tags: Ecology, Microbiology




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