Highly Immersing Activities Can Provide Relief from Pain and Anxiety, Says Study by Chicago University - ScienceChronicle
June 3, 2023

Highly Immersing Activities Can Provide Relief from Pain and Anxiety, Says Study by Chicago University

Posted on June 3, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 468 words

Research conducted by the Chicago University has revealed that focusing on a computer game or other highly immersing activity can drive thoughts away from the pain center and temporarily remove anxiety.

The study investigated how mental activities can affect pain perception. By using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers measured brain activity in response to acute pain while test subjects engaged in various computer games. They found that highly engaging games or other activities that required mental concentration were more effective in managing pain than passive activities such as watching a movie.

The study’s lead researcher, Dr. James Kim, commented on the findings. “Our study shows that when we’re deeply engaged in an activity, our brains can actively ignore pain signals, at least temporarily. This can have important implications for pain management, especially for patients suffering from chronic pain or anxiety disorders”.

This study builds on previous research demonstrating the ability of distraction to reduce pain levels. One study published in the Journal of Pain found that playing a video game reduced pain associated with burn injuries by up to 50%. Another study in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that virtual reality distraction was effective in managing pain in patients with fibromyalgia. The results of these studies suggest that engaging in activities that require mental effort can be a useful tool for managing pain.

The implications of these findings extend beyond pain management. Chronic pain is often associated with anxiety and depression, and distracting oneself from pain can also help alleviate some of these negative emotions. In fact, research has shown that video games can be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, with some studies suggesting that playing video games can increase cognitive flexibility and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating mental activities into pain management and mental health treatment.

It is important to note, however, that while engaging in highly immersing activities can provide temporary relief from pain and anxiety, it is not a substitute for medical treatment. Chronic pain and anxiety disorders require appropriate medical intervention, and mental activities should only be used as a complementary tool. In addition, it is important to note that individual results may vary; while some individuals may find relief from pain and anxiety through mental activities, others may not experience the same benefits.

In conclusion, the Chicago University’s research suggests that engaging in highly immersing activities, such as playing a computer game or participating in mentally demanding tasks, can provide temporary relief from pain and anxiety. These findings have important implications for pain management and mental health treatment, demonstrating the role of distraction in managing negative emotions. However, it is crucial to recognize that mental activities are not a substitute for medical treatment and should only be used as a complementary tool.




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